Why is this autoencoder only predicting a single output regardless ... (2024)

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Kommentiert: Matt J vor etwa 6 Stunden

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Key questions:

  1. Why does a network predict a specific value for the output regardless of input as if the input data had no information relevant to prediction?
  2. Why does replacing min-max scaling with standard scaling fix this, at least occassionally?

The problem background: I am trying to train a simple image autoencoder, but I keep getting networks that only output a single image regardless of the input. Taking the difference between each output image reveals they are all exactly the same. Googling this issue, I saw a stack overflow post that this often arises with improperly dimensioned loss functions. I also saw folks mentioning issues with using the sigmoid loss function for autoencoders, but the explanations as to why never surpass guesswork. I changed the scaling from min-max scaling to standard scaling and was able to obtain a network that breaks out of the single-prediction behavior, but without understanding why, I will have no recourse but trial-and-error if it breaks again.

Notes on dimensioning loss functions: When calculating the loss between a batch of images of shape [imgDim, imgDim, 1, batchSize] the mse loss function outputs a loss of dimension [1,1,1,batchSize], but this loss function has produced defective results under min-max scaling, such as the aforementioned degeneration to a single output, as well as an initial loss three orders of magnitude above the inputs and outputs scaled to the range [0,1]. To be clear, I don't mean the learning is unstable, I mean that the absolute values of the loss are absurd.

Why is this autoencoder only predicting a single output regardless ... (2)

I tried to write my own loss function that reports a scalar value, but I encountered the same degeneration to a single prediction independent of input. I then wrote a version that reports an error tensor of the same shape as @mse, but this threw an error listed below, after the custom loss function in question.

% Version that reports a scalar

function meanAbsErr = myMae(prediction, target)

meanAbsErr = mean(abs(flatten(prediction) - flatten(target)), 'all');


% Version that reports [1,1,1,batchSize]

function meanAbsErr = myMae(prediction, target)

inDims = size(prediction);

meanAbsErr = mean(abs(flatten(prediction) - flatten(target)), 1);

outDims = ones(1,length(inDims)); outDims(end) = inDims(end);

meanAbsErr = reshape(meanAbsErr, outDims);


Value to differentiate is non-scalar. It must be a traced real dlarray scalar.

Error in mathworksDebug>modelLoss (line 213)

[gradientsE,gradientsD] = dlgradient(loss,netE.Learnables,netD.Learnables);

Error in deep.internal.dlfeval (line 17)

[varargout{1:nargout}] = fun(x{:});

Error in deep.internal.dlfevalWithNestingCheck (line 19)

[varargout{1:nargout}] = deep.internal.dlfeval(fun,varargin{:});

Error in dlfeval (line 31)

[varargout{1:nargout}] = deep.internal.dlfevalWithNestingCheck(fun,varargin{:});

Error in mathworksDebug (line 134)

[loss,gradientsE,gradientsD] = dlfeval(@modelLoss,netE,netD,X,Ztarget);

Notes on scaling

I wrote a custom scaling function that executes the same behavior as rescale except that it reports the obtained extrema to use in scaling and de-scaling unseen data.

% Min-max scaling between [lb, ub]

function [scaled,smin,smax] = myRescale(varargin)

datastruct = varargin{1}; lb = varargin{2}; ub = varargin{3};

if length(varargin) <= 3

smin = min(datastruct(:)); smax = max(datastruct(:));


smin = varargin{4}; smax = varargin{5};


scaled = (datastruct - smin) / (smax - smin) * (ub - lb) + lb;


% Invert scaling

function unscaled = myDescale(scaled, lb, ub, smin, smax)

unscaled = (scaled + lb ) * (smax - smin) ./ (ub - lb) + smin;


% Converts the data to z-scores

function [standard, center, stddev] = myStandardize(varargin)

datastruct = varargin{1};

if length(varargin) == 1

center = mean(datastruct(:)); stddev = std(datastruct(:));


center = varargin{2}; stddev = varargin{3};

standard = (datastruct - center) / stddev;


% Converts z-scores back to the data's scale

function destandard = myDestandardize(datastruct, center, stddev)

destandard = datastruct * stddev + center;


In the following code, I have removed the validation set to reduce bloat.

% % I intend to regularize the latent space of this autoencoder to be a

% classify images once it can accomplish basic reconstruction. I made this note so

% it's clear what's going on with the custom losses and so forth.

xTrain = digitTrain4DArrayData;

xTest = digitTest4DArrayData;

%% Scaling that does not work

% Min-max scaling

xlb = 0; xub=1;

[xTrain, xTrainMin, xTrainMax] = myRescale(xTrain, xl, xub);

xTest = myRescale(xTest, xTrainMin, xTrainMax);

%% Scaling that works, at least occasionally

xTest = myStandardize(xTest, xTrainCenter, xTrainStd);

ntrain = size(xDev,4);

IMG_DIM = size(xDev, 1);N_CHANNELS=size(xDev, 3);

OUT_CHANNELS = min(size(tTrain,1), 64);

numLatentChannels = OUT_CHANNELS;

imageSize = [28 28 1];

%% Layer definitions

% Encoder layer

layersE = [








% Latent projection

projectionSize = [7 7 64]; enc_dim = projectionSize(1);

numInputChannels = imageSize(3);

% Decoder

layersD = [










netE = dlnetwork(layersE);

netD = dlnetwork(layersD);

%% Training Parameters

numEpochs = 150;

miniBatchSize = 20;

learnRate = 1e-3;

dsXTrain = arrayDatastore(xTrain,IterationDimension=4);

dstTrain = arrayDatastore(tTrain,IterationDimension=2);

numOutputs = 2;

dsTrain = combine(dsXTrain, dstTrain);

mbq = minibatchqueue(dsTrain,numOutputs, ...

MiniBatchSize = miniBatchSize, ...

MiniBatchFormat=["SSCB", "CB"], ...



%Initialize the parameters for the Adam solver.

trailingAvgE = [];

trailingAvgSqE = [];

trailingAvgD = [];

trailingAvgSqD = [];

%Calculate the total number of iterations for the training progress monitor

numIterationsPerEpoch = ceil(ntrain / miniBatchSize);

numIterations = numEpochs * numIterationsPerEpoch;

epoch = 0;

iteration = 0;

%Initialize the training progress monitor.

monitor = trainingProgressMonitor( ...

Metrics=["TrainingLoss"], ...

Info=["Epoch", "LearningRate"], ...


%% Training

while epoch < numEpochs && ~monitor.Stop

epoch = epoch + 1;

% Shuffle data.


% Loop over mini-batches.

while hasdata(mbq) && ~monitor.Stop

iteration = iteration + 1;

% Read mini-batch of data.

[X, Ztarget] = next(mbq);

% Evaluate loss and gradients.

[loss,gradientsE,gradientsD] = dlfeval(@modelLoss,netE,netD,X,Ztarget);

% Update learnable parameters.

[netE,trailingAvgE,trailingAvgSqE] = adamupdate(netE, ...


[netD, trailingAvgD, trailingAvgSqD] = adamupdate(netD, ...


updateInfo(monitor, ...

LearningRate=learnRate, ...

Epoch=string(epoch) + " of " + string(numEpochs));

recordMetrics(monitor,iteration, ...


monitor.Progress = 100*iteration/numIterations;



%% Testing

dsTest = combine(arrayDatastore(xTest,IterationDimension=4),...


numOutputs = 2;

mbqTest = minibatchqueue(dsTest,numOutputs, ...

MiniBatchSize = miniBatchSize, ...

MiniBatchFcn=@preprocessMiniBatch, ...


[YTest, ZTest] = modelPredictions(netE,netD,mbqTest);

reconerr = mean(flatten(xTest-YTest),1);



xlabel("Reconstruction Error")


title("Test Data")

numImages = 64;

ndisplay = 10;


I = imtile(YTest(:,:,:,1:numImages));


title("Reconstructed Images")

%% Functions

function [loss,gradientsE,gradientsD] = modelLoss(netE,netD,X,Ztarget)

% Forward through encoder.

Z = forward(netE,X);

% Forward through decoder.

Xrecon = forward(netD,Z);

% Calculate loss and gradients.

loss = regularizedLoss(Xrecon,X,Z,Ztarget);

[gradientsE,gradientsD] = dlgradient(loss,netE.Learnables,netD.Learnables);


function loss = regularizedLoss(Xrecon,X,Z,Ztarget)

% Image Reconstruction loss.

reconstructionLoss = mse(Xrecon, X);

% Regularized Loss

%regLoss = mse(Z, Ztarget);

% Combined loss.

loss = reconstructionLoss;% + 0.0*regLoss;


function [Xrecon, Zpred] = modelPredictions(netE,netD,mbq)

Xrecon = [];

Zpred = [];

% Loop over mini-batches.

while hasdata(mbq)

X = next(mbq);

% Pass through encoder

Z = predict(netE,X);

% Pass through decoder to get reconstructed images

XGenerated = predict(netD,Z);

% Extract and concatenate predictions.

Xrecon = cat(4,Xrecon,extractdata(XGenerated));

Zpred = cat(2,Zpred,extractdata(Z));



function loss = assessLoss(netE, netD, X, Ztarget)

% Forward through encoder.

Z = predict(netE,X);

% Forward through decoder.

Xrecon = predict(netD,Z);

% Calculate loss and gradients.

loss = regularizedLoss(Xrecon,X,Z,Ztarget);


function [X, Ztarget] = preprocessMiniBatch(Xcell, tCell)

% Concatenate.

X = cat(4,Xcell{:});

% Concatenate.

Ztarget = cat(2,tCell{:});


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Matt J vor etwa 6 Stunden

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Your code doesn't show what the training targets are, and hwo they are processed. For all we know, you could be using the same target image over and over again by mistake.

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Siehe auch


  • autoencoder
  • deep learning
  • scaling
  • activation functions


  • Deep Learning Toolbox



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Why is this autoencoder only predicting a single output regardless ... (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.