The Sunday News and Tribune from Jefferson City, Missouri (2024)

Page 6-A THE DAILY CAPITAL NEWS AND POST-TRIBUNE Society, Clubs, Dances, Personals and JeWrson City, Sunday, September 10, 1933 Societ Dinner Party For Tuesday Bridge Club Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lohman will entertain with a 7 o'clock dinnei Tuesday evening at their home on Moreau Drive. Guests will include the twelve members of the Tuesday Bridge Historical Plates Qiven to the Executive Mansion ts By BROOKS ANN COLE One of the loveliest gifts added to the beautiful historical furnishings of the executive mansion recently is a set of naval defense service plates presented by the state department Club of which Mrs. Lohman is a of the American Legion Auxiliary member, and their husbands.

to Lifelong Residents To Move To St. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Schmidt of Forest Hill, will leave soon for St.

Missouri's First Lady. The set was given Mrs. Park for the mansion by the Auxiliary during its recent convention here. This exquisite and valuable gih was received with delight by Mrs. Joseph where they will make their I Park who has taken great interest home in the future.

i the beautiful old furnishings add- Mr. Schmidt, who has recently re- I ec during the sixty-two years the signed his position of feed commissioner of the State Board of Agriculture, will be connected with a feed company there. He will leave here tomorrow and will be joined in several weeks by Mrs. Schmidt. Mr.

and Mrs. Schmidt nave been life-long residents of Jefferson City mansion has been established. The plates, numbering: twelve, may placed on a plate rail above the sideboard in the banquet room, although at the present time they are placed in an old fashioned china cupboard. "Old This scene of the engagement is after the engraving by C. Tiebout of the painting by T.

Birch. "Perry's Victory on Lake Erie" is the scene depicted on the sixth plate of the set. On September 10, 1813, the Oliver Hazard Perry defeated the British squadron on Lake Erie under Captain Robert Barclay. This was the victory described by Commodore Perry's famous report, "We have met the enemy and they are ours." This scene of the battle is from the engraving by A. Lawson of the painting by T.

Birch which Joseph DC LaPlaine published. The seventh plate is "The Wasp anil The Frolic." The United States Sloop of War Wasp, Captain Jacob Jones, commander, captured his Britannic Majesty's sloop of war Frolic, Captain Thomas Whinyates, I 11.111 tX The prints, in the center of commander, after a close action on 14 auuiuii uil and both have been active in plate, are from the collection of October 18, 1312. The Frolic mount- social and civic circles has been especially musiCjgircles. i i I i es. Mrs.

Schmidt I Mabel Braay Garvan reproduced by; eel twenty-two guns and had six prominent in I special permission under the spon- merchant ships in her convov Thk Hostesses At Contract Party Mrs. Herman Schulte and Mrs. Claiborne Schulte entertained 20 guests yesterday afternoon at Mrs. Herman Schulte's home, 933 Fairmount boulevard. Score favors for contract bridge were won by Mrs.

Meek Fanner, Mrs. sorship of the American Legion Aux- SCC ne is from the engraving by iliary in commemoration of the Kearney, which followed a sketch founding and early exploits of the by Lieutenant Claxton of the Wasp. Garden flowers used throughout the house to decorate. After the bridge games a course luncheon was served. United States Navy.

They are tinted is done in rust in el thcr rose, steel gray, rust or "The United States and the Ma- lavendar. The edge of the piate is! ccdonian" is the title of tlv eighth creamy white. plate. With Commodore Stephen The history depicted in each Dccatur in command, the United picture, the source of the engraving states captured his Britannic Maj- and the seal of the Auxiliary areje.sty's ship. Macedonian, commancl- on lhe ack of ea Plate.

by Captain John Surnam Cor- irst of the set is "The Bon don after an action of an hour and TM a Qctober 0 i The States mounted forty-four guns and the Macedonian forty-nine guns This scene is after the engraving by B. Tanner of the painting by T. Birch and was published on November 1, 1814. It is done in stee: ommc 1C larc Serapis." The Bon Malcolm Epstein and Mrs. John n- Heinrichs Homme Richard under John Paul Informal Party For Oklahoma Guests Mr.

and Mrs. Edward L. Espenett entertained informally last night at their home, 1014 Fairmount boulevard, for their houseauests Mr. and Mrs. J.

M. Whitaker and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Phelps of Oklahoma City. Mr.

Whitaker and Mr. and Mrs. Phelps arrived here Friday evening for the week-end. Mrs. Whitaker has been a houseguest of the Espenett's this week.

The Oklahoma guests will return to their homes tomorrow. Jones, captured the British ship, off the coast oE England on September 23, 1778. After a hard fight at night, with Ins ship afire and sinking Jones retorted to a sugges- lion to surrender, "I have not yet, 1 The ninth plate of the set is "The begun to fight." This scene is aftor Constitution and the Java" The the engraving by T. Pellro, published United States frigate ComlituUon Kiwanis Club Will Honor Ladies Here "Ladies Night" is to be observed by the eight Kwanis Clubs of the Missouri Kansas Arkansas district at a meeting Thursday evening. A large number of out-of-town guests is expected at this intercity meeting.

A dinner will be served December 1, 1781. Commodore William Bainbridge The second in the set is "The commander, captured the British Constellation and Llnsur Off frigate Java, Captain Lambert com- tne island of Saint Christophers, on February 9, 1799 in a hard fought engagement of an hour and a quarter the frigate LTnsurgent under Captain Barreant yielded to superior skill and bravery and was taken by the Constellation under Commodore Thomas Truston. in a thrilling battle of our naval war with France. This scene is after the engraving by E. Savage which he published May 20, 1799, and is done in steel gray.

"The Attack Made on the Tripoli" is the third scene. The United States squadron under Commodore Eel ward Preblc appeared before Tripoli August 3. 1804. In our expedition against the Bashaw of Tripoli the American ships subdued the Bashaw and the following summer Commodore Preble negotiated a treaty doing away with the tribute paid to mander, off the coast of Brazil on December 29, 1812. After a conflict of an hour and fifty-five minutes in which the Java was reduced to 3 total wreck.

This scene of the battle is from a contemporary print which followed the description of an eye witness of the engagement. "MacDoncugh's Victory on Lake Champlin" is the title of the tenth plate. The United States squadron under Thomas MacDonough engaged the British ships on Lake Champlin under Captain George Doivnic in Plattsburg Bay, September 11, 1814, while British land forces under Sir George Prevost advanced against the Americans undei General Macomb. When the British ships surrendered the British army hastily withdrew. This scene is after the engraving by B.

Tanner from at the Missouri Hotel and cards will tl1c bal bar i' pirates. This scene ot H. Rcinaglcs painting which was be played in the evening. Complete he St 3 h'ncd up to attack, is arrangements will later in the week. be announced Delphian Society To Meet Monday Members of Jefferson Chapter.

Delphian Society, will hold their first fall meeting tomorrow nfter- irom an engraving published by John Guerrazzi in 1805 and is done in rose. Plate number four is "The Con- mibHshed July 4, 1817. It is done in lavendar. The eleventh plate, tinted in rose, is "The Bombardment of Fort Mc- Hcnry. On September 13, 1814, a stitution's Escape from the British I squadron of British ships in Chc'sa- Squadron." The Constitution neake Bay bombarded Fort Mc- Captain Isaac Hull, sighted British squadron four leagues off Barnegai on July 17, 1812.

After a chase of Henry at Baltimore. The engagement continued until the following morning when tho British retired. noon at 1:30 o'clock in the club-! llours Co by tow- Francis Scott Key watching thn rooms of the Public Library and kecJ ni in a calm, bombardment saw "that the flag Mrs. 5. J.

Noonan will be the lead- i ships and was saved from was stil! there." This scene of the sr for the first lesson. An invitation a lts long series of vit battle is after the engraving by U. i i I Vmi-nrJ I West End P-T. A. To Meet Tuesday The West-End Parent-Teachers Association will have its first meeting of the ensuing year Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.

Mrs. A. J. Damhorst and Mr. Roy Ferguson, school principal, will discuss the topic, "What Makes a Successful from the viewpoint both of the parent and the teacher.

Junior College Sororities Open Rush Rushing festivities for the two sororities at the Junior College started yesterday and for one week' twenty-two rushees will be on exhibition. At the conclusion of the last party the rushees will have to decide between the two sororities and then begin playing the dreaded of "pledge." The rushees this year are Miss Mrs. John Mather, music chair- A Brown, Miss Ruth Jane Hat Style: Russian Slant man, has arranged a brief program which will include several school children. Milton Saville will give a reading, "Billic at the Circus" and D. C.

Wolfe, III, will play a piano solo, a French folk song, "Hunting Song." Mrs. V. B. Saville, president of the West-End Unit, will preside. All unit members are urged to attend this meeting.

Moreau Heights P-T, A. To Meet Monday The first meeting this fall of the Morcau-Heights School N. C. Parent-Teachers Association is to be held tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the school building. A cordial invitation is extended to all new members to attend.

The study program for this year is to be based on "School Essentials." The first topic will be dis- Collett, Miss Phyllis Davenport, Mis Jessie Mae Downing, Miss Sarah Leo Emmons, Miss Chlorene George, Miss Virginia Mae Glover, Miss Evelyn Gregory, Miss Bernadine Hansen, Miss Ellaine Hardy, Miss Jean Hope, Miss Martha Sue Jones, Miss Lucille Kassebaum, Miss Bette Kidd, Miss Billy Latham, Miss Jane Ault Le Compte, Miss Doris Jean Long, Miss Martha Ann Miss Emma Lee Sloan, Miss Myra Nell St. Clair, Miss Martha Ellen Tippett and Miss Rose Mary Wickham. Yesterday afternoon members of the Delta Chi Alpha sorority formally opened Rush Week with a lovely tea held from 4 until 5 o'clock on the mezzanine floor of the Madison Hotel. In the receiving line were the officers of the sorority: Miss Sara Jane Jose, president; Miss Avis Wattenbarger, vice-president; Miss secretary; "What Are We Going to do with the Exceptional Child." Mrs. C.

L. I treasurer. Presiding at the tea table durinc the sorority. Mrs. G.

J. Linker and Miss Minnttte Westbrook. The other two sponsors, Mrs. E. E.

Stokes ami Miss Esther Oxley, were out of the city. Miss Hetty Joach To Speak To P-T. A. Unit Miss Hetty Joach, county nurse, will be guest speaker at the meeting of the Immaculate Conception Church Parent-Teachers Association meeting tomorrow evening. The meeting--win be held at 7:30 o'clock.

This meeting; will be first held by this unit for the new school year. All members of the. unit are urged to attend. Mrs. Sam Rudder, president, will preside.

Social Colander Monday. N. 'C. Moreau-Hcights Parents- Teachers Association--School building. 3:30 o'clock.

is extended for all new members toi be present. This scene is'Kneass of by W. Hoogland Strickland. the painting by W. Triple-B Club Entertained Recently Members of the Tripie-B Club en 54tltmion and Guerriere.

tertained their dates with a Jarty AugU5t 19 1812 the Constitution Thursday evening at Sun-Set Lodge M. Comes painting and was pub-! The last plate, tinted in lavendar, ilShCd Nnvrmhpr 9S I Tf ic November 25, 1815. It is done in lavendar. The i scene is of "The Con- On 1Ct "6 ate James is "The United States squadron before Algiers." The United States squadron under Commodore Stephen Dccatur appeared at Algiers on June 30, 1815, in an expedition to release imprisoned Americans. After destroying two ships, Commodore ments were served.

Those present were Miss Clodv in a sharp sailed boldly into the har- tion in which the Guerriere was bor of Algiers nnd forced the De ca ptured rlt as the most to renounce claims for tribute. This -mult I I I v. eie BUSS U10QV -n i i i i i a i I I I j.uii Pope, Miss Louise Stokes Miss Vr niany Vlctor ies. which scene is after the engraving by N. 1 i won for thp nnnstitnHnn tv, ginia Glover, Miss Betty on for the Constitution the name.j Jocelin.

Miss LaVere Behrens, Miss Marv Bedsworth and Ralph Spears PPU! Walther; "Gentle Bee," Spears, Joseph Dinkle Glen" First ik Bm Geral ciine Walther. Orval Hudson, and Gordon'U Jr icr 'l March 1V: Song. Tri-B Ciub TfTTlave First Fall Meeting Mrs. Gertrude Nelson and Mrs. Emeline Allen will be assisting hostesses.

All members are cordially in- Wilford Flessa; "Lightly to attend this meeting (Folk Song), Wilford Flessa (SC SOFT-VOICED PASTOR Mrs. Florence Ervin will be hostess! "Honeysuckle Polka," (Casey). tomorrow evening to members of the i Harold Goldammer. Tri-B Club at the home of her sis-i "Horns," (Wright), Paul Ittner; ter, Mrs. Stanley P.

Howard, 12151 "Laughing Fairies, 1 (Goodrich). Elmarine avenue. i Paul Ittner. This will be the first meeting i First fSeifert), R. C.

BECOMES POLICEMAN BALTIMORE. Sept. 9-- (AP)-- A soft-voiced, ordained minister to- Nadine Kline; "Jolly Roeer," (Eckstein), Nadine Kline. The Da "ccr." (LiUoff). Ruth "Guitar (Gny- Dollie Meador Circle To Meet Wednesday The opening meeting of the Dollic Meador Circle of the First Methodist Church will be held Wednesday nor) Gensky.

afternoon with a 1 o'clock at Hop Scotch," home of Mrs. Frank Gillham, 510 En Selbre; "The Mill," iLemoirei. Jackson street. Jeanne Engelbre. All members of the circle are- Sol TMtma (Beethoven), asked to accept this invitation and; i a "When Uncle Joe Plays The Old Banjo," (Gaynor), Gladys Goldam(Gebhard), Vogel; "The Banjo Picker," (Gro-1 ton).

R. c. Vosel. I "Bisit Frcm Santa" (Eckstein) Mcrpover according to his superior officers, he was assigned to a "plenty tough" section in which to Practice his new profession. The new officer, the Rev.

An- Elementary Training Course for Girl Scout Leaders--Scout headquarters, 1:30 o'clock. Fairview School N. C. Parent- Teachers Association--Reception for teachers, 6 until 7 o'clock. Pot-luck supper at 7 o'clock.

Jefferson Chapter, Delphian i ivii i i i Angcrer will have the report from i ntlpril on ere sponsors oi iiui'i qnvm'ifv the Child Welfare Magazine. Fairview P-T. A. To Entertain Teachers Members of the Fairview School N. C.

Parent-Teachers Association are to entertain with a reception tomorrow evening from until 7 o'clock in the school building for the teachers of the school. Following the reception a potluck supper Is to be served at 7 o'clock for the members of the association and the new patrons of the school. Mrs. William Farr, president, urges a good attendance. table.

Early fall flowers were attractively arranged over the mezzanine floor. In addition to the twenty-two rushees the sorority entertained yesterday Mrs. C. Deaton, Mrs. H.

W. Rollman, Miss William Hager, Mrs W. F. Knox, Miss Rachel Brenneisen, Miss Ivy Seaber and Miss Stella Hellman. Members of the sorority who assisted generally were Miss Mary Ellen Stockard, Miss Mary Dot Gwinner, Miss Frances Elizabeth Smith, Miss Dorothy Raithel, Miss Helen St.

George, Miss Jewell Leslie, Miss Ruth Nations, Miss Mary Elizabeth Baker, Miss Alice James, Miss Dorothy Autenrieth, Miss Prances Leslie, Miss Leona Leslie. Miss Helen Baer, and Miss Ruth Stockard. Piano numbers were played during the afternoon by Miss Autenrieth. Several violin selections were played by Miss Westbrook. This afternoon members of the Delta Gamma Theta sorority will be hostesses with a tea afc the home of Miss Dorothy Bassman, 630 Adams street, from 4 until 6 o'clock for the rushees and women faculty members of the college and wives of the men faculty members.

Receiving the guests will be officers of the sorority: Miss Ruth Schaefer, president; Miss Mary Jane Holliway, vice-president; Miss Dorothy Bassman, secretary; Miss Martha Parker, treasurer; and the two sponsors, Miss Rachel Brenneisen and Miss Elizabeth Wiley. Miss Lois Beagle, Miss Marguerite Taylor, Miss Martha Buchanan and Miss Dorothy Kassebaum" will pour Girl Scouts to Begin Their The fall activities of local Girl Scouts will begin this week fifteen Girl Scout troops Brownie packs will have their first meetings. Training courses will be offered to leadez-s by Miss Joe Fav Gunn, director. New Girl Scout -leaders will take an eight-hour elementary course which is to begin tomorrow "tor- noon at 1:30 o'clock in the Girl Scout headquarters. Those interested may attend and will not be gated to take troops.

Brownie leaders will be given a General Pack Management course. In November all Girl Scout leaders will be offered a Troop Progress course. The annual meeting of the Coun- A u- durlng the no hour. At this time a report will be made of the work done in the past year and plans will be presented for the ensuing one. Council members leaders, committee members, Eaglets examiners and those interested are' urged to attend this meeting hear a national speaker as well the local reports.

as STEEL DEMAND GROWS NEW YORK, Sept. filled orders of the United States Steel Corp. decreased 129,681 tons August to a total of 1,890444 tons at the end of the month in July the backlog was down 86 546 tons. Harvest Vacation From Jail ALBANY (UP)--w Ob ermeyer, in jail for driving a car while intoxicated was granted a vacation so that he could harvest his crop. The farmer was told he re- Port back afc the court house in 30 days to finish his sentence /v.v.

MUv There's a it of the Russian in so A vr U0 FIM them Straight tne "airline, or you can one eye Uvin by tlltlng them down toward an nds wears a and beige fabric hat with a squashed cuff atop it, and two tiny little grosgrain bows, one of bei-e and one of gray, where the cuff gets squashed. It tops a beise diagonal worsted suit with the new Chiivse collar and a self-jabot of the worsted. Gray wolf is used on the sleeves, a new fur for many Miss Dorothy Pay Jens will leave today for Fulton to resume her studies at William Woods college the new fall beret-hats. wnere she is a member of the Via 1 A Comings and Qoings ciety--Public Library clubrooms, 1:30 i a during the afternoon. Garden o'clock.

flowers in the varigated hues will be used for appointing the tea table and rooms in which the guests are Council of Catholic Women- Chapel, 7:30 o'clock. Immaculate Conception Parent- Teachers Association--School hall, 7:30 o'clock. Tuesday. K. B.

Circle, Cenrtal Evangelical Church--Church parlors, Mrs. N. A. Bassman, hostess. Western Catholic Union--Immaculate Conception hall, 8 o'clock.

Piano Recital--Auditorium of Lutheran School, 8 o'clock. West-End Parent-Teachers Association--School, 3.30 o'clock. Wednesday. Immaculate Conception Church Circle--Mrs. Joe Botz, 925 Fairmount boulevard.

to be entertained who 6 1 Miss Vivian Roberts and Miss Elizabeth Kehoe have gone to Chicago where they will attend the Century of Progress Exposition this week. Mrs. Alexander Stewart is visiting in Sedalia with Miss Helen other friends. Miss Beatrice Basskin of University Park, St. Louis, is the weekend guest of Miss Helen Cohen, 701 Francis street, in Vista Place.

Mr. William Hull of Weston. visited here Friday nnd yesterday 'vith his sister, Miss Margaret Hull. Mr. and Mrs.

Alex McPike and Mrs. Maud Motley and Mrs. Margaret Motley, all of Bowling Green, will be guests today of Mr. and B. F.

Reed and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. McPike will return to their home this evening but the two ladies will remain for a week's visit in the Reed home. st MiSS Ma Burrus and daughter.

Mis, Temple Burrus, have gone to! Mrs. Walter N. Davis, former Jefferson City residents. He will leave here this week for Fayette where he will enter Central College. ior Class.

Great Britain's railroads use some 14,000,000 tons of coal for fuel an nually. UNDER A'EW MANAGEMENT South Side Drug Curb Free Delivery Service ALEX STEWART RUSSELL WALKER 626 Jefferson Phone 321 Mrs. John H. Porter returned from St. Louis with Miss Alberta.

Chase Friday and is visiting her a her apartment, 522B East Capitol avenue. assist generally are Miss I home. they Trill make their Hilda Kassebaum, Miss Hazel Hampton, Miss Florence Hott, Miss Lillian Kieley, Miss Henrietta Rose Miss Mary Alice Amos, Miss Margaret Asel, Miss Helen William? Miss Lucille Richey, Miss Catherine Smith, Miss Roberta Huston, Miss Helen Ramsay, Miss Harriet Johnson, Mrs. John F. Heinrichs, Miss Juanita Schott, Miss Louise Kerr Miss Billie Edwards, Miss Elizabeth Edwards.

Miss Virginia Elliott, Miss Lucille Zueiidt, Miss Sally Castleman, Miss Charlotte Lottcr, Mrs. Jack Wells and Mrs. B. Wische. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Newkam and Mrs. J. H. Conrath spent yesterday in St.

Louis. Miss Margaret Ann Gillham has had as a houseguest Miss Virginia Kenwood of Webster Groves, a recent former resident of Jefferson City. Raymond Elliott. Arthur Landrum and Payne Mirir left yesterday for Jeanne Rubv attend. Piano Recital To Be Presented Monday mer; "Dream Waltz," Gladys Goldammer.

"Sonatina. Op. 55, No. 3," (Kuh- A piano recital is to be presented i a Ruth Michael. Monday evening in the Lutheran) School auditorium at 8 o'clock by A pupils of Mr.

Charles H. Storm. I 0 The following program has been First Fall Meetl'llCI arranged: a "Peas Porridge," (Polk Song), Gideon Keissig; "On My Pony," (Folk Song), Gideon Keissig. "London Bridge," (Polk Songi. Lorraine Waltherr "My Fiddle," (Folk Song), Lorraine Walther.

"Winter Adieu," (Folk Song), will nist Randolph Chanter, Daugh- of the American Revolution, its regular meetings when its meets for the mis 111 be held at 2:3 at the home of Mrs Thorn as Mather, East jclrew B. Eickoff. filled the pulpit at the Queens Village. N. Evan- sclical Church from 1923 to 1926, tllcn became pastor of the Emanuel Evangelical Church here.

He resigned two years ago though he has done some preaching since. "I guess it is unusual but there isn't anything incongruous about a clergyman becoming a policeman," said Eickhoff. "If a minister isn't a man among men he's not much good in the pulpit. The same thin? is true about a policeman. "All my life I have wanted to help people.

That's why I enlisted In the medical corps during the war. That's why I went into the ministry and that's why I got into police work. "A policeman should help by precept and example. Sometimes he has to use other methods but you must remember the first Christian didn't hesitate to do that when it became necessary." Young Matron's Circle, First Presbyterian Church--Mrs. Otto Schwartz.

Woodcrest, 3 o'clock. This is the first fall meeting and all members are urged to be present. Jeanette Beall Circle. First Baptist Church--Mrs. Herman Lufcy.

920 Jefferson street, 2 o'clock. Anna Tweedie Circle, First Presbyterian Church--Mrs. Edward Es- penctt. 1014 Fairmount boulevard, 3 o'clock. Dollie Meador Circle, First Methodist Church--Mrs.

Frank Gillham. 510 Jackson street, 1 o'clock. Kirksville where will attend Kirksvillc State Teachers Col- TM Cn by thc Delta Landrum will be a member of Chi Alpha sorority Thursday and the Freshman class. Muir a Junior Sunday of this week. The Delta! and Elliott a Senior Gamma Theta sorority will be hostesses with parties Wednesday and Saturday of'this week.

Mr. and Mrs. William Schumacher announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday. The baby has been named Catherine Mae. 95-lb.

Angler Gets 85-lb. Fish TILLAMOOK (UP)-- 1 ty" Bullen, Tillamook citizen who I The month 'J' meeting of the Sun- weighs 95 pounds had a thrill while i i Ciass of the Ba P. tlst Mission fishing recently a Inrge hcld Friciay evening at the seized his hook. For over an hour me SS Shirley Denn he fought the fish before he Ian I( ed it on the Jetty, it weighed 85 pounds. RISK MORATORIUM IN NEBRASKA LIFTED LINCOLN, Sept.

9--(AP)The Nebraska insurance moratorium was lifted today by order of Governor C. W. Bryan. In force since last March, the moratorium has prevented Nebraska companies and foreign concerns operating in this state from making' policy loans or paying cash values of policies in limited amounts. Governor Bryan said insurance companies had requested the action and their financial condition warranted rescinding of the regulations.

Permanent Wave Specials Wed. Cnm'jir-alicn Wave S5.0D S8 Bonot Special (10 Shampoo and Finger Wave with Free Eyebrow Arch Maviwood Beauty Shop Scheil Ward Bltlg. Pliciie 2585 The News and Tribune Building Directory 210-214 Monroe Street First Floor CAPITAL NEWS Phone 5000 POST-TRIBUNE Phone 5000 BUSINESS OFFICES EDITORIAL ROOM Phone 5000 ASSOCIATED PRESS Phone 440 Second Floor T. J. BROWN.

Attorney Phone 1074 GIRL SCOUT HEADQUARTERS Phone 1172 UNITED PRESS Phone 1048 BEACON CITY TOURS Phone 1172 or 5000 Permanent Up Our Waves Arc Guaranteed SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVES 50c and 75c Phones SO--1249 Beauty Shop A. rr Trust Bldg. SEE THE DIFFERENCE IN EXPERTNESS! Have your hair dressed by our expert Beauticians, Get a PERMANENT WAVE designed to your personality and expression. Shampoo and Set Kuriey-Kue Beauty Shop E. High Phone 447 N.

A. L. Herbert Jacobs. 822 Fairmount boulevard, 2.30 o'clock. This is the first meeting of the fall and all members are asked to be present.

Jubilee' First Methodist Church--Mrs. Claude Bartlett, For- est Hill, 2:30 o'clock. Members are asked to please take notice. St. Ann's Circle--Miss Emma Dulle, 800 St.

Mary's boulevard. C. O. B. Club-ciubrooms, Mulberry street, 7:45 o'clock.

Thursday. Third Circle, Central Evangelical Church--Sunday School hall, 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Herman Basch, hostess. Betty Rose Circle, First Baptist Church--Church, 6 o'clock.

Dunklin street. Following the business session a social hour was enjoyed with the serving of refreshments by the hostess. I Paget Thornton, son of Mr. ancv Mrs. Clem Thornton, has gone tc i Columbia where he will re-enter the University of Missouri.

He will help! with rushing at the Kappa Alpha! fraternity of which he is a mem- ber. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ossman and daughters, Miss Lorraine and Miss Rita of Moberly are week-end guests of relatives and friends. Robert Davis of Kirkwood is houseguest of Ira Lohman, Young Davis is the son of Judge and SANDWICH SHOP Jefferson and High St.

35c SUNDAY MENU 35c Fresh Fruit co*cktail-- Tomato Juice co*cktail Koast Chicken Celery Dressing and Apple Sauce Candied Sweet Potatoes Ccrn on Cob Combination Salafl Home Made Cherry or Apple Pie Vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream Choice of Drinks (With this menu you may have choice Bar-R-Q Meats as follows) Sfwre Kibs-- Pork-- neef-- Lamb Ham Tongue.

The Sunday News and Tribune from Jefferson City, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.