The Sun from Orangeville, Ontario, Canada (2024)

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3 BRONCH £onl CLM ffipMlhO Johnson 3EVER BETTER defeated 4 defeated defeated defeated defeated a defeated i AT PROMOTES DIGESTION Cures Cures Liberate Cures a BC 4 ORANGEVILLE donated Cures Cures Cures THE town A Specialty 'l 51 le CURES DYSPEPSIA CURES DYSPEPSIA CURES DYSPEPSIA defeated defeated 3 1 2 2 Jg ACTS ON THE BOWELS Cures CONSTIPATION Cures CONSTIPATION 1 Cures CONSTIPATION PURIIES THE BLOOD i Mr Neil' MoNeil of Leith Ont writes Dear or yean and Toronto Hamilton ttjndun Montreal St John Halifax Kingston Ottawa Victoria REGULATES THE LIVER REGULATES THE KIDNEYS have oted lax Seed JEi sasefftof Chrome Bronvhit and Cataract lour ALWAYS IN STOCK Best London Layers ALSO A SPECIAL LINE CHEa 0 to 8 nf 3 P1W I I OINTMENT ItsSearcbing and Healing Propertiesare I known throughout the Woi Id or the cure of BAD LEGS Bad Breaaie I 'OLD WOUNDS SORES SORES AND ULCERS 'I It is an infalliable remedy If effectually 'I rubbed on the back aud chest as salt iata I meat it cures SORE THROAT Bronchilir Coughs Colds and even Asthma Ter MAILED TO ANY ADrBESK ONE DOLLAR PER '1 BOOK AND LOUR EED AND SEED EMPORIUM IS THE PLACE TO BUY CHOICE ROLLER LOUR OATMEAL CORNMEAL CRACKED WHEAT CRACKED LOUR PEAS OATS BARLEY Bran and Shorts I 5 CHOP EED ALL KINDS AC AC CATTLEOOD AND OIL CAKE Pressed Hay and Clean Oats St aw tU1 Goods delivered to all parts of the MONKMAN Opposite the Marke i 1 I i XT zttir 1G' vil 1 Wa hnve iust receivco a lun line nun A Prompt Cure I fiew Valencia'jEline and Sultana Raisins avid I 8 uacx iiy swelled so I could do no work My uistes in law advised me to MaW CUrranTSj wi With onfi bottlo I I 1 ieiw so inucu ueiwt uuav got one more I ani now well pm! can work as well ss evor 2 Aman Bubgess a Tilsonburg Ont OJ? Insect Sore Eyes? Eruptions Sore eet Soreness i aS Chafin kw Cata Si puts Piles ternate Complaints Mosquito Bites Sunburn all Inflammation REU5ESUBSTITUTES BE SUREJHAT BOTTLE WlTHBUfWRAPPER LOOKS LIKETHlSggft MZHurACTvatD oaiv eV EXTRACT COMWJY i re ITH AVENEWYORK TSTEVENSON Agent Orangeville' is not wo ti Lie tlsn are her wooers Now is the time to do whatever you dislike to do Dyspepsia fears a bucksaw more than a pill box Opportunity is a slow coach that sel dom overtakes but may readily be over taken Money is a root the understanding of whose tonic properties is not coufiucd to the Smithsonian school Cutting garment according to the cloth is poor policy unless one hap pens to have a sufficiency of cloth WJicn women as a body begin to use their minds for thinking purposes they will no longer need to clamor for their Telephone Connection Goods delivered to all parts of the Town 5 In the McKim Block Broadway i Orangeville g6 Pressed Hay for Sale JOHN McKIM i Let ten believing man go to pray with a thief nine of them will first take the precaution of leaving their pocket 2 books at home Troop Mowomonts Arrived jUOKTKEALff a Rarmvida with tho Leicestarebire Regiment West Riding" Wednesday after thcsecondTueSday igiment will embark on Baturaay xor we West Indios LOUR EED Choice and re sh Stock of lour Oatmeal Cornmeal ALWAYS ON HAND ield and" Garden 'Seeds A SPECIALTY 'r rK rn LHitva iv to DISKASKS THE bKHL PHIVITM anrt Diseases oi a rnvsic rcuure Jmi'ot cy Varicocele Ni vens' WntyEtc rthe result of youthful folly ad excess) Gleet ard Stricture 'i of long atanding niSKASKS WOWEY Palnfnl Profuse suppjwsM MenstraaHon Ulceration Eeworrbwa and aU Displace wunto nf its A WTnm Ar Jan' IM 4 2 took to the Design Wc'ftim to give eur customers evarid Thov coat any more and they look bet an a i i i wa a a i ir wz aa a to 1 tl it on 4 Durability ol tue Cioocs as wen Job Printing 01 every description turned out shortest notice in the jntit cttraetij style and at the lowest fticcs' Colored Printing LEADING PAPERS Wf Enjoys a Large CirculatjcUf and is Brimful ofLecal 'i? and oreign Levs i AiargeBtckof MensSuits7 XX 3 sts and XoutJSui alsoafum line or OVERCOATS HATS CAPS? ROOTS SHOES Groceries $c' AU which be sold at Bottom Prices Ooinplete Stock of 4 Dress oo ds Jn the leading Qolars with the latest Trimmings to matcn? I full line ot Sheetings? lannels Yarns! lluss 'n by Beam Sou rn Lil' Bni'pr Gun IU Burn tm ELAX SEE inaiiifiinii COMPOUND JOJIV eAR 1 A As Cheap for Cash Cures BAD BLOOD Cures BAD BLOOD QUy New Season Japan Teas knock them Cures BAD BLOOD all out both in price and quality I A' LARGE STOCK 4 Liver Kidneys and Boweta I ELT BOOTS VERSHOES scrofulous sore pimpie toai of eVer de scr ip tion jus in A trial of our Waterproof elt Boots will convince you GRAHAM 3 WHEN YOU ARE BUYINS URNITUBE A rLrn Miw mo rxTRir TTTri7r wksi 4CCJ ITS CRROXIP HIS KASESO Pxtxbboho Wst Stevvueon jTwo MousvAnT Daoust Cou defeated i feated Hall (Lib) by 243 ortier Lib by 391 PaiNCx Edw JUIler(CoA defeated Heszjood debated I MrAfiflm Con bviTlK Mxxvaxw NoBTH wniute Ivon i 'Rsstbsw South erguou (ConL der Yah ask Aiijnault Ljh defeated V' I bated Bai iLIbA by SMC 4 il3S hT SW I 11 Edwards CUih defeated Dtok jtfoX SCOTIa eran (Cou) by 200 I Av Con 4a iafcU Chap fiiMOOB East Spohn (Lib' defeated I man Lib 4' Bennett (Con)by I Sir Tbom'an Con de Himook North McCarthy I ieeted McGillivray Lib by 300 Simook South rTyr wbitt (Con elected Hownr i EibaivJ Oasy ro by by acclamation caE and Murray Toronto Jco*cklmrn (Pon) d' 1 Lib defeated McDougall Con and feat 'd Kerr (LibJ by 480k I son Lib Tobonto WBSV JJenisoi (Con) defeated Coi Pttersoi'Con defeats Mowat (Lib) by 1709 I rebilld Lib and letcaer Pro by 50 Toronto EA3T CoaUworth" tConJ I de I Bowers 14b defeated JoaoK feated beaier tLitz) by Mill JCon (4'VfCTCUUUL Nortl Barron (Lib) defeated 4 Qgteur Don defeated easer Hubes tCual by 350k Victoria airbairn (Con) de I Halifax Sialrs and Kenny ConAtto foaUxl Watters (Lib) by 140 I feated ones and arrell Libs WavsRboo North Bowman ianie nAMbrnnum vuu ua feaUxi Krais (Con) by 74 I Lili Waterloo Livingstone (Lib) de Cameron Con defeated feated Clare (ConJby 137 i yr Wiuasd German (Lib) defeated er guson (Con) by blusgtox Centjul Semple (Lib) do feated uaJee (ConI by 15ft Wjqumnotox Northi McMullen (Lib) de feated Clarke (Con) by 180 Wjn MXorcN South: Innes' (14b) de feated Goldie (Cos) by 83A Wentworth North Bain r(Lib) de feated Wardell (Con) by 392 Wentworth Claimed by both York MackeuaeMaclean (Cun) by 25 York Wallace Clement (Lib) by 7(M York Mulock Pegg (Con) by 5J0 Argsytsuil Christie 141k Owens Con by 221 Dupout Cots defeated ruon Lib by 54 Lib defeated Morency Cou br 3a1 Bergeron Con defeated Seers by "SI Coa defoateu Da Maunca BssusqIHI' LUa defeats Allaid Cou by it auvelle Lib defeated Laferrier Gm by 151 DjerCun defeated isher Lib by 5 Cuamplaik Carignan Trudel Lib Savard Cimou Con by 209 Ch ate Brown tfakh Ckm bv 100 i Chicovtimi and Savard Lil defeated Caton Con Compton Pope Cou defeated Libt Lib by I'XW VaillACouxtk'Libw elects i i by acclamation Dtiuimosn and Athabaska Lavergne Lib defeats 1 Cn panic Con by 809 Jouoa Cou by aecia nation De jardius Cou defeated LancCot Lib by 782 Election later Iberville Bchard Lib defeated Na dean Con by ISO i Jacques Gir ouard Con di rented Madore Lib by 399 Lippoe Con defeated Neven Lib by 109 KamoUjIaska Carrel Lib Chapais Con by 191 i Lap nainix tier Con Doyou Lib LfAssosiPTlON Gauthier Lib Jeannette Coca by 77 Guay Lib" defeated Con by 151) DesJardins Coo defeated Cas grain Lib by 89 Lixnw lUnfret Lib by acclama I tion La Ouunet Con dof eated Ladoucer Lib by 518 Coulombe Con deteatec Legris Lib by 52 5 Megantic rechette Con' defeatev Turcott Lib by 5i Missisquol Baker Con defeated Meigs Libby 100 Dugas Cou' defeated THe Lafwtuue Lib audMagnan Cou fc Montmorency Choquette Lib defeated Bender Con' by 3u0 Richelieu Langevin Con defeats Gouiu Lib' by 3J8 Richmond and Wolfe Laurier Lb defeated Cleveland Con Rhcouskl Caron Con defeated set Lib Rouvtlle Brodeur Lib defoate Glgault Con St rnier LiK defeate Brodeur Con St Bourassa Lib defeated Black Con by 223 Montreal Curran Con feated Guerin Lib bv W1 Montreal Lepiue Con dofeatfe Duvitt Lib Montreal West Smith Con defeats Cochrane Lib by 24)0 Napibsville Monette Lib defeate Pa adis Con Nicolet Loduc Lib defeated Prince Cou by S3 Ottawa County Devlin Lib defeatc McDougall Con by 299 Maclean Ind Con defeats Bryson Con aud Murray Con by 172 Pobtneuf Delisle Lib defeated Vallee Coy by 23 Quebec Langulier Lib de feated Cnateauvert Con Quebec East Laurier elected by acch mitiou Quebec West McGrevy Con defeated Hearn Lib Quebec County remont Lib defeated lynn Con St Desnulniers Cm defeat ed Dosauliuors Lib by ItX) Sanborn Lib defeated Savage Con bj 209 Sherbrooke Ives Con defeated Miller Lib by 325 Mousseau Lib defeated Bain Con by 11 Rider Lib defeated Colby Con by 105 Tbiscoumata Grandbeis Con defeat Deschenes Lib Terrebonne ChapleRU Con defeated Limoges Lim Three La igevin Con defeated Pol lU'f8 VACIAL EXPRESSION A occupation has a great deal to with making his facial expression Studies or scholarly professions intel lectual pursuits when coupled with moral habits brighten the face and give a superior look An unselfish nature or love of studies or arts will make a bright pleasant face but on the con trary a man may have a faee that does not please anyone because of pure sei' fisbness It may be noticed that soldierset a bard severe look laborers look tired reporters look inquisitive mathe maticians look studious judges look grave and a man whose home life ia unhappy looks all broken up The busi ness often makes the face How often we think this man is a butcher this one a lawyer that a minister the other a doctor and so on It is seldom we are mistaken tor the callings show through the faces And who fails to recognize the genuine farmer thet minute one sets eyes on him Ledger If you want money at the lowest rate interest call on Irwin over £nd colt store Orange vile CM A T7I CJ TVTTTjI 'NT intwo nrrriiTht inniiilitvand awavdowninpricc I IPIOIVUJIN 1 wanted Try our Cardigan Overshoes Good Salary and expenses or Commission I WiSwUS sa Bot assortment of China Glassware Silverware and jw? wid 74 Has a 'better' and Vmore complete 'stock of SA VsS a if eo' Than ever before The finestquality of Slippers in tan Se wed and Pegged Work Done on the Shortest Notice None but the best material used and the best mechanics employed mi na Alma Haw York duch*ess and Glycerine Polishes can be used on the finest kidd and the roughest boot with equal efficiency CALL AND SEE US AT THE SHOP Opposite the Prince of Road Orangeville Monthly Cattle airs Orangeville Second Thursday in each month Tuesday before OrangevilL Action Thursday following Guelph Same day as Mount orest Bosworth Saturday before Guelph Clifford Tuesday before Guelph Monday before Guelph Third Tuesday in each month Tuesday before Orangeville Tuesday before Guelph Eden Pinkerton StationBrant Couty Bruce last Thursday iu each month Second Monday in each month Thuisday following Mount orest irst Wednesday in each month I Hamovbb Monday before Durham riday before Guelph irst Thursday in each month Hockley iThe last Thursday in2 January I 1w aiz4 AnlnbDr i 4k pill)Vtllj Gull I uection ergus Guelph road same day as Elora Ltstowel irst riday in $fb month Tuesday before Orangeville Marwille Wednesday before Orangeville Monday before Guelph Mount orest Day after Durham 1 NsW Hamburg irst Tuesday in each month Monday before Durham Rock Wednesday before Orangeville Tuesday before Guelph PATENTS i Caveatt and Be iftuee secured Tradr Merke registered and all other patent causes the Patent Office and before the Courts promptly and carefully prosecuted Upon receipt of Model or Sxetch of in vention I make careful examination and advise as to patentability charge A With my otncei atreciy aeroee jroa Patent Office and being in persona attend ance there it is apparent that I have super ior facilities formaking prompt preliminary earches for the more vigorous and success ful prosecution of applications for patents and fnr attending to all business entrusiea tomy care and in the shortest possible ttime i Mndn ntA and exclusive attenticn given patent bueinees Litt ell Solicitor Attornevin Patent Causes so wears of acre to sell a fall line of first I Washington DO class Nnursury Stock All stock guaranteed ancy Goods II) (OW0 Opposite TJ8 Patent Office Apply at once stating age and references (Mention this paper) (J BOOTH BY Rochester Jf SPECIAIi TO ARMERS 1 Is now prepared to supply? at very low prices the following 'J goods: John Elliott NEW LIGHT STEEL BIND ER 4 The lightest now manufactured also the I a MM gSS SS Milwaukee Junior Warrior JViower I did und after using 5 I ivY 7' I was couipletely cured IJIJjq Qeatty MOWeT The Beatty Reaper The Beatty Gang Plow Tlie Beatty Jointer Plow 1 I Bapld Itooovery A Uli Laitw Wilkinson lows and the If dkinson Steel for constipation and pain in I fijC Ctyzvf A large variety of the following manufacturers IliLIAHSy pioos 1 Cvulnraul bv th best authorities In th world 4ft record of honor abedealing 4 'r 40 inteigenipuuxiy wyepn i 40 loyalty to our patrons tlOLLpWAY ILUfc 40 lib er aland equitable methods onlaYS These famous Pills purify the BLOOD anfi fe' 40' YEARS manufacturers ana aeaiers act most powerfully yet Jv? I vwvnn cvmzkir A rv IT i 4 Yi27 SPBAKSraQNGBR TQYOU TRAN ANY WOKUj or vu WILLIAMS SON m'aINSPIIJNGSLIE CT bey arc rl fidently recommended as a ne ver lai ling I TAW Yanee Street Toronto ruedy in all cases where the constitutioa haar 5 become impaired or weakened Thy ar rr 1 ss: I wonderfully efficacious in all ailments lad 00 I Dial to IDllJHIW VI at Yor a wgrAk ISM SSI 71 49 IS E9 genehal familx ILAReBBENM SoSj 4 This amousJIeavy Bodied Oilmade only by McCol Bros Co Toronto Use it once and you will use no other Cjlinder' vib I4TTM ATTSU 1 I Is the best in Canada for Engine Cylinders Ask for Lardine And every kind of skin 'dtseasi! IS ine DvolM to rfjs I never been known to fail TT7 I The Pilland Ointment are manufactured Tor sale'by A 4 Johnston Orangeville by all Vendors of Medieina' throughout the Civilized vv orin wn i rectiousforusein almost every language py The Trade Marks of these melicis' are registered in Ottawa Hewc aay jX throughout the British Possessions who Miy keep the American counterfeit for sale wllXg be prosecuted' CONSUMPTION? I Brooklyn eb 14thffiW i 1 I havwnaed your Emulsion in A cate of PhthMs I Consumption) with! beneficial results whero patent I could not uro Cod Uv NERVOUS PROSTRATfflM? i Brooklyn NY Dot thH88 1 1 cart ctrozuriy recommend lax Seed Emumpn I to the relief and possibly the cure of $roochial and Nenrous AHectioa lUMi ftWpJBI lroou: almace I 1 IBlBBBIVfBBIimia 3 color tfoks well Dimng Room)r Asuy a full Line of Generali urnityrerPAHLGK SuitbsJ Easy CuAiRand LovNGEsmade to'order without extra charge Opposite lbs Post Okfice i Sold by Druggist Price St00 LAX SEED EMULSION C0i fpvTdnertyMrJiewxuxMa Btevenson Agent Orangovilla wy head The second dose mado me ever so much better My bowels now move freely aud the pain in my head has loft mo arid to everybody with the same disease 1 recommend JI Miss Williams 4L moor Ob iUlUuwi I i onQr7 McLaughlin Armstrong the Ganonoque Carriage Co BILIOUSNESS Co 'London and a full line of the celebiated BILIOUSNESS CHATHAM WAGGONS BILIOUSNESS ALLSIZES HThe Bflay Carpicr yearswitlT Liver Complaint Steel Track guaranteed the best now manufactured warran to unload a load ofbay or grain of any fourmtnmw Urw SfYXrgJSfnlSS 500 now in this section ol countryand gives the best satistacotm Bitters After taking four i bottles I am now wen vu also recommendit for the ours of Dyspepsia Lnv a Deacon HawkritoueOnk MacDotwlL Lib and Co! by? as ra 231 King Borden I4b defeated Bill Con Kaulbach CoAt defeated Eitunauer LlKby lift Pi jton Tupper Con McDougald Conf defeated rusor Lib and Yorston Lib orbesLib defeated reeman 1 iiL GiHJas Con defeated lynn Lib aud Paint Con iJff SHELDJUaNE IVliitaConJ dofeatedRot (UUJ defeated Lib defeatal I ls Lib i Hint defeated Kinney defeated 1 Con by 57ft XwBrunawteM i 1 1 Weldon Uoil defeated 7 Emer defeated UUlVUKhrt etaeewr LJb a Lib djsfeated Clark Cou 1 Burns Con defeated Lan iLvtv Tih bv 4iX ti Legere Con defeated Leblanc by 1ST Kings Domytlle Lib defeated oster Con AdajnsCou defeat ed Mitchell Lib by 400 McAlister Ind defeated Moffat Cou 1 Queens King Lib' defeated fc Baird Con defeatid I Sy John City McLeo 1 Con defeatel I4K defeated I RilsDlx I Si John Skinner Con ana Lib defeated riazen Cm defeated Rankin Lib aud Weldon Lab IVilmort Con donated Day Lab? I Costigan Condefeated Law sun Lib Wood Cou defeated George Lib by 100 Temple Con defeated Thompson LJb ElWAKn ISZASD Kings MapopuaU Con and Maclean Con defeated McLatyre Lib aud Kobertr I A iont 14 Yeo Lib and Perry Lib de feated Hunt Con and Howland Con Queens Davies Libi anl Welsh Lib 1 defeated Blake Con and erguson Con MANirOBJ Lisgar Russ Con defeated defeated 1 lab Marquette Watson Lib defeated defeated I Boyd Con I Lariviere Con acclatna defeated I tion I Selkirk Daly Con defeated Martin Pncquet I Lib Winnipeg von aeieatea Campbell Lib XORTll irBST TKXniTOBtKH ArmritTA Davis Cou defeated Riley Con Assinaboia Dewdney Con de feated Turiff Lib Assinaboia Con defeat ed Tweed Con 7 Saskatchewan McDowell Con de feated Montgomery Con JIRJ145H COLCMBn New Cnrhould Con de feated Scoullard Lib Vancouver Con acclamation Victoria Earle Con and Prior Con defeated Templeton lud and MarchantInsL Yals Mara Cn acclamation What They Say: The Globe says: The Government been sustained but by a majority which at the present writing appears to be too small to enable it to carry on affairs for any consider able length of time Its majority in the last Parliament was about 50' Its majo: ity in the next Parliament will probably not ex ceed 12 or 15 At tlie outside it will be less than 20 and in times like these a Tory Ad ministration pl4iged to uphold a trade pilicy which hl impoverishing the people cannot work wjth so slender a margin The Mail say: far as the returns which come td baud show the Government Uns been sustained hy the moderate majority of 26 There are constituencies yet to be hoard from three in Quebec one in Now Brunswick two in British Columbia and one Ontario i The Empire says: The returns upto the time of going to press are: Conservatives roturued 125 Roformnrs returned 81 still iu doubt showing a Cousjrvaive majority of 42 with 7 seats of which 5 at last election returned Conservatives at the last election still tibe heard from The World gives he majority 39 Cabinet Ministers Defeated Hon John Carling (London) Minister ofXcriculture Lon Colby President of the Council Hon George oster Minister of i nance Hpw the Cities Went Cojaervativcs 3 8 of thaCVaUrtg in JhQ lllllh' Dominion THE'GQVERNlENT SUSTAINED "Jrr: 4 Majorltlos as Claimed "the Respective Party Papera twJThrea of the7 Cabinet ji Ministers oster 'Qarllna Colby Defeated ft Belovaro the returns £urniphd by thp Great Iortbweetern a4 Teiegrapu U00HWBy jp vSADDiNGTO3f7 BdU (Con defeated Dawson (Lib) by Mita ffattkf defeated 'Lanz Cord (ConX and Mclarty iPtroa of In I Mlustry) by Bbant4 North MSomerri vo ttaoj tfnnazl Unmilfrtrt fi Brant Paterson (Lib) defeated Cox (Cou) by 5959 Brookville Wood (Con) defeatedDerbyshire (Lib) by 390 a Bruce Truax (Lib) defeated Car firin l(xin) bv lw i Bruce Bonnar (Lib) defeated A McNeill (Cou) by 21ft Bruce Rowan (Lib) defeated i' Morrison (Con) by 96 White (Con) defeated Myrs 2 tCon) by Dickinson (Con Ji defeated Hodgins (Con) by 700 Cornwall anq Bergin (Con) 'o Snetamger (Ub) by 3JJ 4 J' Ross (Con) dsteatad (Lib) by Wl 7s'' Durham Craig (Con) 4 nlhv IP R1 bvKt dhham West Beithe (Lib) defeated Elgin Ingram (Con) dufsatedWil iflkl Art A OUtJ VkJiu mj Elgin Casey (Lib) defeated Mc Jgian (Uon) by 700 Essex North McGregor (Lite) Patterson (Con) by 84(1 Essex South Alien (Lite) Wigle (Con) by6L rontenac Kirkpatrick (Qon) Clyde (Lib) by 182 McLennan (Con) Schell (Lib) bv 300 Reid (Con) dated it withers (Lib) by 150 Grey SprouJe (Con) Clarke (Lib) by 160 Grey Masson (ConJ Jlorsie (Lib) by 294 Grey Landerkin (Lib) Blythe (Con) Haldimand Montague KCon) Colter (Lib) by 50 Henderson (Cou) defeated Wal die (Lib) by 100 McKay (Con) and Ryckman (Con) defeated Dorin (Lite) and Laidlaw 4Lib) by 055 and 646 Burtetta (Lite) defeated Vrt i punuiup MJ i 1 Bowell (Con) defeated Vankleek (Lib) by 200 Hastings Corby Con defeated Clute Lib Huron McDonald Lib defeated I Holmes Con by 300 I Huron South McMillan Lite defeated Keith Lib and Woismeiller Lib Huron West Cameron Lite defeated Porter Con by 800 Campbell (Lite) defeated Killackey (Con) by 498 Sir John Macdonald (Con) defeated Gann (Lib) and Edwards (3T) by A 489 Lambton East Moncriqff (ConJ defeat ed Stutt (Lib) by 46ft i Lambton Uster (Lib) defeated 'r Smith (Con) by 600 Lanark Jamieson (Con) de feated raser (Ub) by 200 i Lanark Haggart (ConJ defeat ed McGarrie (Ub) by 566 Ijsebs and erguson Con defeated rost Ub Taylor (Con) defeated Turner (Ind) by 250 tvniox Wilson Contr defeated Allison by 1 majority Lincoln Gibson (Ub) defeated Neelon (Con) by 101 London Hyman (Ub) defeated Cdrling (Con) by 183 Middlesex Easy Marshall (Con) de feated Taylor (E R) by 23d Middlesex North Hutchins (Con) de feated Taylor (Lib) by 11 Middlesex Armstrong (Ute) de feated Chisholm (Cou) by 500 Middlesex Roome (ConJ defeat ed Mcarlane (Lib) aud Brock (Pat Ind) by 418 Monck Brown (Lib defeated Boyd (C mJ by 2)5 Musk (Con) defeated itz gerald (Lib) Norfolk Charlton (Lib) de feated Sinclair (Con Jr by 446 Norfolk Tisdale (Con) defeated Ellis (Lili by SOO Northumberland East Cochrane (Con detested Ketchum (Lib) North umbsrlaxd Hargraft (Lib) defeated Guiliet (Cou Ontario Madill (Con) defeated co*ckburn (Lib) by 42 Ontario Davidson (Ub) defeated Sinith (Con) by 25 Ontario Edgar (Ub) defeated White (Ub) by 500 i Ottawa McIntosh (Con) and Robillard (Con) defeated Belcourt (Lib) Paterson (Labor) Naple (Ind) and Lewis (Con) by 1034 and 516 Oxford Sutherland (Ub) de feated Karn (Con) by 2000 Oxford Cartwright (Lib) de feated Walsh (Con) by 490 Proulx (Lib) defeated Ber tram (Lib) Routhier (Con Johustou (Cou) lw 69 Peel eatherstone (Lib) defeated Mo Crilla (Cou) by 75 1 rii on it Grieves (Lib) defeated Always Ahead! HEADACHE kJ a J' 7 4f jar fX i 01 1 1 WLfJA Ti Sr ri rnrsiinir I I I rex i i i an I 4 I o' Atom fi fr 1 5 vs 7 I 2 a ulsfoninenl'eV icaariy stages 4 i with the result ImMVKJ With a ij ff ST THTHK 2 BXXkBS or: i 1 7 a roroarowvrowvB waa AL KJWA 9 'SZ Iiin ejk Y3SBW NOW haND'A? Ji'X' 2 i I ALJk XJh 1 I 1 Jir GP iif 1 fL tx i Li WiX r': gKKaK 2 ft ft 22 'ft? '33 I 7 feft 3 3 3ft ft ft 3 Eh I HvU3PqgAlL34 I Biipdeflc? Bitt.

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The Sun from Orangeville, Ontario, Canada (2024)


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.